
Keiki from the islandwide Cover Kids search will be featured in HONOLULU Family in 2024!  More are also selected throughout the year for an opportunity to participate in photoshoots for the magazines and honolulufamily.com.

Kids must be between the ages of 1 and 12 by Oct. 1, 2023 and be a resident of O‘ahu.



Fill out the form, upload your child's photo and use the check out feature to pay the $10 fee.

the jury

Cover Kids are selected through a combination of readers' votes (50%) and editorial votes (50%). Readers are allowed to vote once, per day, per child, per IP address. Do note that if multiple people are on the same IP address, they may not all be able to vote.

the rules

  • Aug. 4 - Entries open online.
  • Nov. 1 - Entries close.
  • Nov. 15 – Semifinalists announced
  • Nov. 15 – Voting opens for semifinalists.
  • Nov. 29 – Voting closes.
  • Dec. 8 – Winners announced 


Photo Gallery